The Original WoodRat Video from 2002
What's Changed?
The machine now features an improved Channel (with slots for stops)
New Fences with a place for the fingers to pull on as you place the work, and the added tee-slots have several uses: one is to take the Wooden Faces. You can glue sandpaper to this face to hold the work safely, and renew it easily.
Behind the finger pull is a slot that takes the Large Cursor which tracks along the face of the Measuring Rod when needed, to allow you to mark up joint positions.
The quick release Power Collet featured has been superseded by the Musclechuck™.
The method for making tenons and sliding dovetails now utilises and stops rather than the acrylic method.
Martin is a little older, but still in great shape.
A more up-to-date video showing tenoning using Stops.
Martin Shows interesting things to do with the halving joint.
Flightpath Sticker and how it shows exactly where you’re cutting.